
Goshen Friends School has a multi-faceted approach toward growing diversity awareness in our community through a culturally competent curriculum and professional development for staff. Our efforts are led by teachers themselves as well as by our Head of School, who has received informal training with a National SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) Project trainer. This training provided a connection to current research on diversity, in addition to the tools and language that are crucial for having conversations around diversity and social justice.

Students engage in multi-cultural studies throughout the year, including lessons on the traditions and cultures of countries from which our students and their families hail. Additionally, each year the school-wide curriculum includes an in-depth study of one particular country, which features hands-on activities and a schoolwide celebration.

Goshen Friends is also a member of the Greater Philadelphia Diversity Collaborative, a group of nine small schools that are committed to discussions on difference, social justice, and equity in and around the classroom.

Please read our diversity statement here.