Parent and Child Tour - Learn about our school, see our classrooms and outdoor learning spaces, and meet our teachers.
Complete the Admission Application and submit with a $75 nonrefundable application fee. Checks should be made payable to “Goshen Friends School.”
Visit Day - For students newly enrolling in pre-k, or for mid-year enrollment in 3-year- old classes.
After your application has been received and processed, you will be mailed an Enrollment Agreement, where you can choose a payment option that works best for your family. Sign and return the Agreement and submit to the school with a $300 deposit, which will be applied toward tuition, by the date indicated on the Agreement. Checks should be made payable to “Goshen Friends School.”
Questions? Please contact Mimi Ackers, Head of School, at 610-696-8869 or [email protected].