Why Goshen Friends?

Why Choose Goshen Friends School for Your Child?

Celebrating childhood. We bring joy to childhood. While we lay a strong academic foundation for our pupils, we do so by making learning fun, experiential, and appropriate. Children are allowed to be children in an environment of safety, inclusivity, and support.
Comfort and commitment. With our small class sizes, we know one another. All of our teachers and staff members are integral parts of our students’ education, and every student is loved and supported by all. Committed teachers, staff, administrators, and parents work together to bring happiness and accomplishment to every child.

Individuality. When Barbara Dixon founded Goshen Friends School in 1959, she made certain that all children felt celebrated and welcomed. Her belief that the light shines in every student still permeates our campus, where our commitment to inclusivity is at the core of who we are. Every child is honored, and every teacher is an advocate for our diverse, talented, and caring student population.  

Belonging. Our families remain loyal to Goshen, and we have benefitted from the many siblings who have attended our school these past 60 years. With a strong sense of community, Goshen families are an integral part of our mission, outreach, academics, and daily life. There is a strong sense of belonging when one walks on our beautiful and tranquil campus. 
Preparation. In teaching our students to see goodness in everyone, we prepare them for the world outside of Goshen—to be caring, compassionate, involved, invested, curious, problem-solving citizens of this earth.
Tradition. Our embedded traditions ground both students and our community. Back to School nights, the Harvest Fair, holiday and spring concerts, the Clothesline Arts Festival, Celebration of Friends Days, and many other annual celebrations and events create a feeling of stability, connection, and joy in our community.
Quaker values. We are a Quaker school, and our belief in peace, integrity, compassion, simplicity, community, equality, and stewardship rings loudly each school day. These values are not taught in isolation—they are woven into the fabric of Goshen Friends School.